
  • 作者: 神婆星座网小编
  • 来源: 神婆星座网
  • 2024-10-17


wer 向日葵  向日葵是你收集额外阳光必不可少的植物。为什么不多种一些呢?  阳光产能:普通  向日葵很难不随着拍子起舞——究竟是什么拍子呢?嗯,这是大地母亲那赐予生命的爵士节奏,它独有的音调只有向日葵才听得到。  费用:50  恢复:快  3,樱桃炸弹  樱桃炸弹能够炸飞一片区域内的所有僵尸。他们的引线很短,所以,把他们种在离僵尸近一些的位置吧。  伤害:极大  范围:中型区域内的所有僵尸  用途:单个使用,即刻生效  “我要爆了!”,樱桃一号说。“不!我们还是慢慢引燃吧”,他的兄弟,樱桃二号道。稍适争吵,这两个家伙决定即刻引爆。  费用:150  恢复:非常慢  4.墙果  墙果具备坚硬的外壳,你可以使用他们来保护其他植物。  强度:高  “人们问我,长时间地被僵尸啃来啃去是什么感觉。”墙果说,“他们不了解的是,由于触觉不发达,我能够感受到的只是轻微的刺痛——就像有人给你做背部按摩一样。”  费用:50  恢复:慢腾腾  5.土豆地雷  土豆地雷能够给予敌人致命一击,不过在此之前,他们需要武装一下自己。你应当把他们种在僵尸的前面——以便他们在接触僵尸时起爆。  伤害:极大  范围:小型区域内的所有僵尸  用途:单个使用,具有激活延迟  有些人说土豆地雷很懒,他总是把事情留到最后一刻才动手。对于此类言论,土豆地雷不予理睬——他正忙着操心如何赚钱的事。  费用:25  恢复:慢  6.雪花豌豆  雪花豌豆发射的冰冻豌豆不仅能够伤害僵尸,还能够放慢他们的步伐。  伤害:普通,减速僵尸  人们总是说雪花豌豆十分“酷”,或者多么“冷静”,或者非常“冷淡”之类的,雪花豌豆只是瞥一眼——他其实全都听到了。  费用:175  恢复:快  7.食人花(咀嚼者)  食人花能够一口吞掉僵尸,但当他们咀嚼时,自己很容易受到攻击。  伤害:极大  范围:非常短  特点:咀嚼时间较长  食人花曾得到一个在电影《恐怖小店》中参演特技的机会,可惜该计划最终流产——只因他的经纪人要求给予太多的正面镜头。对此食人花并不生气,他说这只是一桩生意而已。  费用:150  恢复:快  8.双枪豌豆(双管豌豆)  伤害:普通(每粒豌豆)  射速:2倍  双枪豌豆很好斗。他来自街头,任何人都不放在眼里——无论是植物,还是僵尸。他通过射击豌豆来保持与人们之间的距离。然而私底下,他仍然渴望爱情。  费用200  恢复:快  9.喷射蘑菇  喷射蘑菇很便宜,但射程也短。  伤害:普通  范围:短  白天睡觉。  “我直到最近才意识到僵尸的存在”,喷射蘑菇说:“就像其他的真菌一样,我原本以为他们只存在于童话故事或者电影当中。这里的经历真是让我大开眼界!”  费用:0  恢复:快  10.阳光蘑菇  阳光蘑菇开始时只给予少量阳光,稍后即会恢复正常。  阳光产能:少,然后正常。  白天睡觉。  阳光蘑菇不喜欢太阳。他是如此不爽,以致于每次产出阳光时,他巴不得快点吐出来。阳光蘑菇忍受不了阳光——对于他来说,阳光就是一笨蛋。  费用:25  恢复:快  11.烟雾蘑菇  烟雾蘑菇喷射的烟雾可以穿透铁栅门。  伤害:普通,穿透铁栅门。  范围:位于烟雾中的所有僵尸  白天睡觉。  “我的工作没前途,成天就是为面包房生产一些酵母孢”,烟雾蘑菇说:”然后有一天喷射蘑菇——佛祖保佑——告诉了我这个喷杀僵尸的大好机会。现在,我真的感觉自己与众不同了。”  费用:75  恢复:快  12.墓碑苔藓  墓碑苔藓能够移除墓碑。  用途:单个使用,必须种植在墓碑上  特点:移除墓碑  尽管墓碑苔藓外貌看起来很吓人,他却想让所有人都知道自己不仅热爱小猫咪,而且会花上许多时间在本地的僵尸劳改所进行志愿工作。“我只是做了该做的事。”他说。  费用:75  恢复:快  13.催眠蘑菇  被吃掉后,催眠蘑菇会让僵尸转而为你而战。  用途:单个使用,接触  特点:使僵尸倒戈  白天睡觉  “僵尸是我们的朋友”,催眠蘑菇坚持认为:“我们误解了这些在生态圈中扮演重要角色的家伙。我们能够而且应当多为他们想想。”(待修改)  费用:75  恢复:慢  14.胆小蘑菇  胆小蘑菇能够远距离射击,然而,当敌人靠近时,他们会躲起来。  伤害:普通  特点:敌人靠近时停止射击  白天睡觉  ”谁在那儿!“胆小蘑菇用细微难辨的声音说道:“快走开!我不想见任何人——除非你是马戏团来的。” 
(map), Peashooter striker pea shooter is your first line of defense, they pounce zombie shoot peas. Damage: how can a plant ordinary so prominent in the rapid growth and shoot peas? Peas striker said: "hard work, responsibility, and a healthy breakfast: sunshine and high fiber of carbon dioxide, reasonable collocation, this is my secret." Cost: 100 recovery: quick 2, Sunflower Sunflower Sunflower is essential for you collect extra sun plants. Why don't you multiple some? Sunlight capacity: ordinary sunflower is hard to dance to beat - what time? Well, this is the earth mother that gave it life rhythm of jazz, its unique tones only sunflower just hear. Cost: 50 recovery: just 3, cherry bomb cherry bombs to blow up an area to all zombies. They lead is very short, so, put them in near zombie some position. Damage: the maximum range: medium area all zombies use: single use, with immediate effect, "I'm going to burst!" , cherry said. "No! Let's slowly ignition," his brother, cherry no. 2. Quarrel a bit, the two guys decided to immediately set off. Cost: 150 recovery: very slow 4. Fruit fruit wall have a hard shell, you can use them to protect the other plants. High strength: "people ask me, long time have been zombie face to face to is what felling." Fruit wall said. "they don't understand, because touch not rich, I can feel only a slight sting - like someone give you a back massage." Cost: 50 recovery: took 5. Potatoes mine potatoes can give the enemy a fatal blow, but before that, they need to arm yourself. You should put them in front of zombies - so that they are zombies when initiating contact. Damage: the maximum range: all zombies in small area use: single use, some say potatoes with activation delay mines is lazy, he always leave things till the last minute to start work. For such statements, ignored the potatoes mine -- he was too busy worrying about how to make money. Cost: 25 recovery: slow 6. The launch of the frozen snow snow pea pea can damage not only zombies, will also be able to slow down their pace. Damage: ordinary, slow zombies is very "cool" people always say snow peas, or how "cool", or "cold" very much, such as snow peas just glance - all he heard. Cost: 175 recovery: fast 7. Man-eater flower (chew) man-eater flower can swallow zombies, but when they chew, they are vulnerable to attacks. Damage: the maximum range: very short features: chew for a long time man-eater flower ever get a starring in the movie "horrible shop" stunt, but the plan was scuppered - because his agent to demand too much on the front of the lens. Is man-eater flower is not angry, he said it is just a business. Cost: 150 recovery: fast 8. Double gun peas (double tube peas) damage: normal (pea) rate: 2 times double gun pea is very aggressive. He comes from the streets and no one in the eyes of - whether plants, or the zombies. He shoot peas to keep with the distance between people. Privately, however, he still longing for love. Cost recovery: 200 quick 9. Spraying mushrooms mushrooms is very cheap, but also short range. Damage: normal range: a short sleep during the day. "I have only recently awakened to the existence of the zombie", spray mushrooms, said: "like other fungi, I thought they only exist in a fairy tale or a movie. The experience here is really opened my eyes!" Cost: 0 recovery: fast 10. Sunshine mushroom mushroom is given only to a small amount of sunlight at the beginning, later will return to normal. Sunshine capacity: less, then normal. Sleep during the day. Sunshine mushrooms don't like the sun. He is so upset, every time that output in the sunshine, he wish hurry up spit it out. Sunshine mushrooms can't stand the sunlight - for him, the sun is a fool. Cost: 25 recovery: quick 11. Smoke mushroom mushroom jet smoke can smoke through a grating. Damage: ordinary, through a grating. Scope: located in the smoke all zombies sleeping during the day. "My job didn't promise, all is for some bakery production yeast spore", smoke mushroom said: "jets of mushrooms and then one day, the Buddha bless - told me the opportunity to kill zombies. Now, I really feel different now." Cost: 75 recovery: fast 12. Can remove tombstone tombstone tombstone moss moss. Purpose: single use, must be grown in tombstone features: remove tombstones although tombstone moss appearance looks very scary, but he did want to let everyone know I not only love small cats, and spend a lot of time for volunteer work in local zombie hard labor. "I just did what I should do." He said. Cost: 75 recovery: quick 13. Hypnosis mushroom after eaten, hypnosis mushrooms will let zombies to fight for you. Purpose: a single use, contact features: make zombie rebellion to sleep during the day "zombie" is our friend, hypnosis mushroom insists: "we misunderstand the guy play an important role in the ecosystem. We can and should be how to think for them." Slow recovery (stay) cost: 75:14. Timid cowardly mushrooms mushrooms can shoot over a long distance, however, when the enemy approached, they would hide. Damage: common characteristics: cease fire when the enemy is close to sleep during the day, "who's there!" Timid mushrooms in a subtle one voice said: "go away! I don't want to see anybody, unless you are a circus."


大家都在免费测试 生日算命,你要试试吗?



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