
  • 作者: 神婆星座网小编
  • 来源: 神婆星座网
  • 2024-10-18


虽然我不认识任何叫Hazel的女孩,但是十九世纪末时比较流行。小说里面,特别是旧点的小说里Hazel经常出现。 所以Hazel“不生僻又不滥俗”,有点独特的古风,非常适合中国女生。
Nice to meet you Hazel! 欢迎追问。

  嗯,我也是,最初发现这个名字是在dolphin tale那部电影里,小女主角(很阳光的白人女孩) 就叫hazel。当时字幕翻译是海子,我还看到有翻译成海柔的。字典里翻译是黑滋尔
后来我们外教说hazel这个名字不是很常见,带z的名字都不常见……但一个南非的外教说他女儿也叫hazel。饥饿游戏里面盖尔的妈妈叫hazel。波西杰克逊里面也有个女孩叫hazel…… 我发现好多叫这个名字的女孩都是深色皮肤,不知道作为黄种人适不适合……纠结。现在距离你提问的时候好久了呀。

  Hazel is a primarily female given name meaning "hazel", from the name of the tree or the color. It is derived from the Old English hæsel.[1] It became a popular name in English-speaking countries duringe the late 19th and early 20th centuries, along with other names of plants or trees used for girls.

The name was the 211th most popular name for girls born in the United States in 2011. It was last popular at the turn of the 20th century, when it was among the 25 most popular names for girls. It declined in usage in the United States after the 1960s, but has been rising in popularity since 1998. The name ranked at No. 138 in 1990 on a census of popular names for women of all ages in the United States. It also was occasionally used for boys in the United States between 1900 and 1940. It was ranked as the 99th most popular name for girls born in Ireland in 2005.[2]


大家都在免费测试 血型配对,你要试试吗?



白羊男 / 白羊女

